Thursday, October 29, 2009

Neither fair nor lovely

I was always put off by the concept of a fairness cream. There was nothing very fair about that whole idea. Not even the gender balancing act of a fairness cream for men could change my opinion. But it is a multi-billion rupee industry. That could now become a trillion one. This is how. I recently saw an advertisement by a brand which I trust a lot and which is to the best of my knowledge new to this category.

Now that one's self-esteem is boosted by this new skin tone, it is time to push it down once again. Your face is alright, but oh dear! What about the rest of the body. Even in deep winter some parts might show. Summer may be far away , but you have to prepare for it. So here is this fluid which can be poured all over your body to get it to that same brightness. The marketeers have now managed to get you to hold the tiger by its tail. There is perhaps a solution. If one stops using that skin deep fairness cream which got you into this mess, you have a cheap and natural remedy.

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