Sunday, July 4, 2010

HR Carnival---The fraternity is headed to NIMHANS!!!!

Today, July 4, 2010 is the day when the hectic activities of the past 2 months culminates. We are part of National HRD Network and are in the EC ( Execution committee.... those who get executed for not doing things and even doing things...)
Our annual day has been delinked from our AGM and has now been dedicated to pure networking, fun and maybe some learning. We are ready with everything from cotton candy to erudite HR Showcases. I was involved in getting the souvenir ready and it is being released today as well.
I did some writing, some detective work, a trip to printers, learnt about fonts. Learnt a few tricks used by advertisers etc. Hopefully it will hava all the advertisements ond only minor mistakes. I shall post the events of today by tonight.

In the meanwhile we are headed to NIMHANS. We are also hoping that the HR fraternity in Bangalore also heads that way to visit. BY the way, many of our spouses who are not part of this function of HR believe that this is the right place for us. And we have quite a few doctors to treat us as well.

For those who are not familiar with Bangalore, NIMHANS stands for something like National Institute for Mental Health And Neuro Sciences and it is a top notch place in this field.

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