Monday, July 5, 2010

HR Carnival is over

Just woke up after a good night's sleep which is what was somewhat missing with calls, emails etc going into the night for the past week. No photos yet since I don't take pictures with my cellphone usually. However I can report that it was quite a foot tapping evening and we had a decent turnout. Here's what happened.

We had a talent hunt with about 20 odd participants. These were all HR professional/post graduate students who are very talented in arts like stand up comedy, instrumental music and of course dance. Alongside was the more serious part of the carnival called HR Showcase where more than a dozen companies talked about some of their HR challenges and how they overcame them. Then we had the games and fun portion for kids and kids at heart. I could not find time to get my caricature done ... next time maybe. I must mention our event managers. "Event mechanics" who did a fabulous job.

Our chapter president Harish D suddenly asked me to speak and I stumbled big time... Public speaking was my Achilles' Heel and remains so in spite of friends giving me many opportunities to improve...This stuttered speech was to get the souvenir released and acknowledge those who contributed to it . I forgot a few and remembered most. There were smiles all round and I took them to be genuine. And the souvenir looks professionally done.

I thought I worked hard on the souvenir. When I saw the results of the carnival and the scale, I realised that my colleagues in the EC like Anuradha Mahesh, Siddhu and Gubbi have earned the right to rest for at least two or three days to recoup. I never thought I would say this... but the timing of this Bandh is fortuitous... And that is my last word for now.

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